This project is undertaken by the Department of Public Transport, Roads, and Works (“DPTRW”), in support of the CIDB Contractor Development (“Upgrade”) Programme. The objectives of this project, as expressed in the Department’s Road Maintenance Strategy include:
— The promotion of SMMEs and the development of Previously Disadvantaged Enterprises (“PDE”) ; and
— The integration of road infrastructure processes with the Expanded Public Works Programme (“EPWP”), contractor development, Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment and local economic development approaches.
The programme objectives led to the establishment of a Road Maintenance Programme, whose intention is to develop and upgrade small contractors, CIDB levels 1 – 4, to higher CIDB levels of grading.
The targeted sector for this project is Routine Road Maintenance Contractors and the DPTRW has engaged the services of professional industry consultants to assist with the implementation of this project.